Research Interests

I am really interested in computer science, esp. modeling and simulation of the real world using computers. I can say that my research interests are twofold. I like to model and abastract real-world phenomenon to understand them better. The other way, I want to use computers to make systems that are able to survive in the real world.

Let me clarify this by means of an example. We can simulate and model the immune system of human beings to know how it works (which some believe that is a kind of complex adaptive system). After understanding it, we can make a system that uses the same mechanism to build artificial systems which can survive in difficult conditions.

As you can see, my research interests can span over a large spectrum of fields. However, here's a list of the fields that I have worked on and have experience in. Still, this list is not comprehensive, and I appreciate working in fields that fit in the cateogry that I described above.

"We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself."
Carl Sagan

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