About Me
Since my childhood, I have always been curious to know the world. I have tried to understand how everything works. Once, my favorite site was howstuffworks.com. The universe, the earth and science itself have always intrigued me to know more. Consequently, I have really diverse fields of interest, from literature, psychology and philosophy to mathematics, earth sciences, physics and chemistry. I hope that I get an opportunity to conduct interdisciplinary research with the researches in these fields. That's why I have chosen computer science. I believe that computer science sets a middle ground for me to understand the world, and help the scientist in all other fields.
I have always admired the scientists who have worked throughout history to make our world a better place. No matter what discipline they were working on. The list in my mind is very long, to mention a few I can name James Clerk Maxwell, Sir Isaac Newton, René Descartes, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Archimedes, and many many others. And from our contemporary scientist, esp. in the field of computer science and related fields, people like: John von Neumann, Alan Turing, Noam Chomsky and many more. Even science-fiction writers like Arthur C. Clarke (that was also a scientist), who is my favorite author, play a great role in the world of science.
I sincerely believe that we owe so much to these people, and I feel that my vocation in life is to follow these guys, and add something to the legacy that they have made in thousands of years. Furthermore, I believe that science is what we can stand on to reach the bright future where human beings have control over the whole universe.