Arash Jenab
Product Developement Engineer, PhD Candidate, EIT
Westhill Innovation Inc., University of Windsor
About Me
Research Interests
Experiences and Skills
Demos and Tutorials
Work Experiences
Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Department, UWindsor:
Engineering Measurement (Dr. D. Ting, Summer 2012)
Stress Analysis (Dr. D.E. Green, Fall 2012)
Applied Thermodynamics (Dr. V. Stoilov, Summer 2013)
Stress Analysis (Dr. D.E. Green, Fall 2013)
Computer Aided Engineering (Prof. N. Zamani-Kashani, Summer 2014)
Engineering Software Fundamentals (Dr. Iris Xu, Fall 2014)
Control Theory (Dr. Bruce Minaker, Summer 2015)
Engineering Software Fundamentals (Dr. Edward Lang, Fall 2015)
Lecturer in Islamic Azad Univesity, Saveh branch
Islamic Azad Univesity, Saveh branch
(Winter 2009-Fall 2011):
For BSc students
Metal Forming
Materials Strength
Mechanical Metallurgy
Scientific Language
Heat Treatment Lab.
Mechanical Metallurgy Lab.
Metallography Lab.
2-year university diploma students
Static and Strength of Materials
Mechanical Metallurgy
Destructive and Nondestructive Testing
Metallography Lab.
Bending and Sheet Forming Lab.
Supervising five students for their final projects
Supervising twelve students' internships and their reports
Industrial Experience (June 2005-November 2010):
Metallurgical and Materials Engineer in
Ideh Gostar -e- Amoodeh
company (part time).
Lectured shearing stresses in beam, “Mechanics of Deformable Bodies – Ch. 6”, University of Windsor, March-April, 2013
Tutoring Physics, Mathematics, and English language to precollege students preparing university entrance exams in Iran
Technical Skills
Training Courses Passed:
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHIMS), Chemical Control Centre (CCC) safety programs, Hydrofluoric Acid control, SEM (Philips FEI Quanta 200 FEG) in University of Windsor.
WHIMS, Task Hazard Analysis (THA), SEM (Philips XL30), trained for all instruments in Optical Microscopy lab. in CanmetMATERIALS.
NDT, Welding inspection, Entrepreneurship and First aid courses of Red Cross Associations.
Programing language: MATLAB (Octave and Scilab) (advanced), Python (intermediate), Fortran (intermediate)
Image Analysis, Neural Network, Optimization (GA) and Curve Fitting (using MATLAB built in functions)
Clemex Pro (software, microscope and stage calibration and image processing routines)
AutoCAD, CATIA, Sigma Plot 10, Tech plot,
ABAQUS and its scripting
Other Software:
UNIX-Linux, LaTeX, MS Office, Drawing & graphics (Photo Shop, GIMP, Inkspace) and etc.
Lab Equipment:
Mechanical testing instruments (Compression, Tensile, Torsion, Impact, Hardness, Fatigue and Creep), Metallography (almost all Struers equipment), Optical and Polarization microscope, Scanning Electron Microscopy and EDS