Homa Sadeghzadeh, M.Sc.


Chemistry Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.


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 SEM photographs of [Pb(3-pyc)(N3)(H2O)]n  nano-hedge balls.





A schematic diagram illustrating the structural conversion of 2D–3D coordination polymeric structures by thermal dehydration.



SEM photograph of [Pb(3-pyc)Br]n  nanofibers.







Schematic representation of the solid-state conversion of two neighboring two-dimensional in 1 to form the three-dimensional network in 2



SEM photographs of [Pb2(2-pyc)2(Br)2]nanorods.



       Research Interest       

Synthesis and Characterization of New Coordination Polymers and Study  their Application 

Solid state Reactions

Synthesis and Characterization of New Nano-materials and Study their  Application 

Application of Nano-chemistry in Enviroment  

Intersection of Nanotechnology, Chemistry, and their Applications (Designing and synthesizing new types of molecules that have interesting

electronic properties). 

Nanoscale Transport and Sensing

Green Chemistry



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