Hiam Gerdabi

I am a language person!


Publication and Academic Researches

“Cognitive Life Cycle of a Mythical Superhero” is published in www.Linguistica.org (2010).This is a library research related to two mythical heroes. The results showed that in spite of lack of communicative devices in ancient times, writers of myths did actually share some cognitive traits when it came to creating a hero. This whole hypothesis and result was inspired by Carl Yung’s theory related to ‘collective consciousnesses.

 “A Feminine Revolution Marked by Heroines’ Names” (2012) forth coming in Canadian Onomastics

It was a case study on a three-scene play that showed the struggle of women in different historical eras for achieving their rights for gaining literacy. The study highlighted the importance of characters’ names in the flow of the story.


 “Characters’ Names in the Shadow of Literary Tendencies” (2012) forth coming in Canadian Onomastics

The schools of literature are defined under particular factors that designate them against other logical frameworks. Authors usually follow a certain perspective to display their tendencies. In this article, two writers’ works: Thomas Hardy’s Mayor of Casterbridg (a realist) and Paul Auster’ City of Glass (a modernist) have been compared. The article concluded that the mentioned examples actually have considered naming their characters carefully so that it boosts their idea which categorizes them under the mentioned literary school.


"the influential factors over naming practices of Iran: Dialect or Socio-politics?" is the title of my last research which is basically a corpus study in two different sections focusing on the effect of socioplitical eras and dialect of 5 different provinces from Iran. The most significant outcome of this study was to have reported a thorough account of the names chronologically and situationally.



Brilliant Quote

"The limits of my language means the limits of my world."


-Ludwig Wittgenstein


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