Hamid HosseinianfarSharifARM

Optical Networks Research Lab.(ONRL)

Electrical Engineering Department

Sharif University Of Technology



  • H.Hosseinianfar, Saeed Mashhadi, "Performance Analysis of Non-Coherent Multi-Level Spectrally-Encoded Spread-Time CDMA over Ultra-Wideband Channel: Known and Unknown Fading", to be submitted here                       
  • Morteza H. Shoreh, H.Hosseinianfar, Farhad Akhoundi, Ehsan Yazdian, Jawad A. Salehi"Design and physical Implementation of Asynchronous Spectrally Encoded Spread Time CDMA system" to be submitted


  • H.Hosseinianfar, S.Mashhadi, "Non-coherent UWB receiver for multi-level spectrallyencoded spread-time CDMA systems" ,International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), pp. 1069-1073, August, 2012. Link






















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