Ruhollah Heydari was born in 1984 in Shahroud, Iran. He received his Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, and his Masters Degree in Operations Research and his PhD in Industrial Engineering from Northeastern University. He has worked as adjunct faculty at Shahroud University of Technology, as Budget Analyst at MTN, as Operations Research Analyst at Norfolk Southern and as Operations Research Analyst and project lead at Aptonet Inc. |
Ruhollah's Major
field of interest is
Operations Research.
In particular, he is
has worked in
Multiple Criteria
Facilities Planning
and Location and
Algorithms. Currently he is working on Optimizing Transportation Networks.
Team Work, Teaching, Data Analytics, Project Control, Production Planning.PUBLICATIONS
Heydari, R., Melachrinoudis, E., (Published 2017). A Path-Based Capacitated Network Flow Model for Empty Railcar Distribution, Annals of Operations Research 253, 773–798.
Melachrinoudis, E., Yavuz, E., Heydari, R., (Published 2015). An O(m2+mn2) Algorithm for the Bi-objective Location Problem on a Network with Mixed Metrics. International Journal of Operational Research 23, 427-450.
Heydari, R., Melachrinoudis, E., (Published 2015). Empty Railcar Distribution Problem as a Multi-Commodity Capacitated Network Flow Model. Proceedings of Northeast Decision Science Institute (NEDSI) Conference, March 20-22, 2015, Cambridge MA.
Heydari, R., Melachrinoudis, E., (Published 2012). Location of a Semi-obnoxious Facility with Elliptic Maximin and Network Minisum Objectives. European Journal of Operational Research 223, 452–460.
Heydari, R., Melachrinoudis, E., Network Flow Models in Rail Transportation Networks, RISE, April 9, 2015, Northeastern University, Boston MA.
Heydari, R., Melachrinoudis, E., A New Formulation for the Empty Railcar Distribution Problem. Presented in the INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 9-12, 2014, San Francisco CA.
Heydari, R., Melachrinoudis, E., A Bi-objective Model for Locating a Semi-obnoxious Facility on a Transportation Network. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 14-17, 2012, Phoenix AZ.
Navidi, H., Heydari, R., Bicriteria Location of a Semi-desirable Facility. 2nd International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society (OR2009), May 20-23, 2009, Babolsar Iran.
Navidi, H., Heydari, R., Moghadam, S. S., An Equity-efficiency Location of a Noisy Facility in a Continuous Plane. Presented in the International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, August 4-10, 2009, Istanbul Turkey.
Heydari, R., Balanced Score Card Model: An Application for Evaluation of Technology. Presented in the 3rd National Conference on Technology Management, October 13-15, 2008, Tehran Iran.