Homa Sadeghzadeh, M.Sc.


Chemistry Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.


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H. Sadeghzadeh, A. Morsali, "A New Reversible Crystal-to-Crystal Conversion of Mixed-ligands Lead(II) Coordination polymer by De- and Rehydration" Inorg. Chem, 2009, 48, 10871.

DOI: 10.1021/ic901532x 


H. Sadeghzadeh, A. Morsali," Hedge balls Nano-structure of a Mixed-ligand Lead(II) Coordination Polymer; Thermal, Structural and X-ray Powder Diffraction Studies " Cryst. Eng. Comm., 2010, 12, 370

(Selected as a Hot Article).

DOI: b917819h


H. Sadeghzadeh, A. Morsali," Sonochemical synthesis and structural   characterization of microcrystals a lead(II) benzentricarboxilate coordination polymer: new precursor to produce pure phase nanoparticles of lead(II) oxide " J. Coord. Chem., 2010, 63, 713.

DOI: 10.1080/00958970903502736


H. Sadeghzadeh, A. Morsali, P. Retailleau," Ultrasonic-Assisted Synthesis of Two New Nano-structured 3D Lead(II) Coordination Polymers; Precursors For Preparation of PbO Nano-structures " Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 925.

DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2009.10.026


H. Sadeghzadeh, A. Morsali, V. T. Yilmaz, and O. Büyükgüngör," Sonochemical Synthesis of Nano-scale Mixed-ligand Lead(II) Coordination Polymers As Precursors For Preparation of PbO and PbBr(OH) Nano-structures; Thermal, Structural and X-ray Powder Diffraction Studies " Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2010, 3, 592.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2009.11.015


H. Sadeghzadeh, A. Morsali," Sonochemical synthesis and structural characterization of nano-belts lead(II) coordination polymer: new precursor to produce pure phase nano-sized lead(II) oxide " Accepted in the Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.


H. Sadeghzadeh, A. Morsali, V. T. Yilmaz, and O. Büyükgüngör," Sonochemical Syntheses of Strawberry-like Nano-structure Mixed-ligand Lead(II) Coordination Polymers; Thermal, Structural and X-ray Powder Diffraction Studies " Inorganic Chimica Acta, 2010, 363, 841.



H. Sadeghzadeh, A. Morsali, V. T. Yilmaz, and O. Büyükgüngör," Synthesis of PbO Nano-particles from a new Mixed-ligand Coordination Polymer; Thermal, Structural and X-ray Powder Diffraction Studies " Material Letters, 2010, 64, 810.


Poster Presentation: "Synthesis and Structure of Heptanuclear Complexes Formed on Interaction of Hexacyanoferrat (III) with the Cu (II) Complexes of 1, 10-phenanthroline and some Amino acids" in 9th seminar of Inorganic Chemistry, Semnan, Iran.  


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