Research Interests:
- Wireless Networks
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Queuing, Routing and Congestion Control
- MIMO Channels (Information Theoretic and Coding Aspects)
- Signal Processing for Communications
BSc Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Context-Based Low-Rate Speech Codec for a Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network
Advisor: Professor H. Movahedian
Most Relevant Courses:
- Passed: Graduate: Principles of Wireless Communication, Digital Communications Lab, Speech Processing, Digital Signal Processing, DSP Lab, Microprocessors, Computer Structure and Language, Microprocessor Lab, Undergraduate: Communication Systems 1&2, Signals and System, Probability and Statistics, Linear Algebra
- Audited: Graduate: Data Networks, Traffic Control in Data Networks, Wireless Communication Networks, Simulation of Communication Systems, Space-Time Coding, Information Hiding
Most Relevant Completed Projects:
Most Relevant Completed Projects:
- Design and Implementation of a High Rate Data Watermarking Algorithm with Error Correction for an ADPCM Voice Channel (Speech Processing Project)- Pre-print
- 3 Projects including FIR Low-Pass Filtering, Least Squares Inverse Design (LSID) and Improving Audio Clarity (Digital Signal Processing)
- DTMF Detection and FFT Computation with a TMS320VC6416 DSP Board (DSP Lab)
- Lempel-Ziv Encoding and Decoding, and DFPLL for a QPSK Modulated Channel (Communications 2)
- MIMO Channels (Communications 2 Presentation)
- Writing Persian Characters on a Graphic LCD (Microprocessor Lab Project)
- Huffman Encoding and Decoding with Burrows Wheeler Transform (C Programming Project)
- Designing a Portable Radio Link (Communications 1 Project)
- Designing a High Gain Op-Amp with PSPICE (Electronics 2 Project)
- Designing a Stable BPF Circuit (Circuits 2 Project)
- Implementation of a 16-bit by 8-bit Divider with VHDL (Logic Circuits Project)
- Designing a Model Town (Technical English Team Project and Presentation)
- Presentation and Report on the PIC Family of Microcontrollers (Machine Structure and Language Project)
- Design and Implementation of a Digital Multimeter (Microprocessors Course)
Work Experience Reports: - Wireless Sensor Networks-Technology, Uses and Market (STEP Consulting Engineers Technical Report)
- Random Matrix Theory and MIMO Channels (ITRC Technical Report)