The finite volume formulation with various Flux Vector Splitting, Roe's average first order upwind methods was employed in solving the governing equations. At the first case, flow velocity is 0.5 mach, and angle of attack equal zero. To validation, results are compared with experiment. Mach, pressure coefficient contour around airfoil NACA0012 and comparison between results of code and experiment were shown. For the second case, flow velocity is 0.85 mach and angle of attack equal one degree. To validation, results are compared with experiment. Mach, pressure coefficient contour around airfoil NACA0012 and Comparison between results of code and experiment were shown. Solution of Euler equation on high lift device is only for showing the capability of this code for flow field solution around complex 2-D bodies. Flow field simulation is carried out for mach number 0.75 and zero angel of attack. Obtained results were shown.
MACH Contours for NACA0012 airfoil (M=0.5, Alpha=0.0).
Pressure Coefficient Contours for NACA0012 airfoil (M=0.5, Alpha=0.0).
Comparison of calculated and experimental pressure distributions for the NACA0012 airfoil (M=0.5, Alpha=0.0).
MACH Contours
for NACA0012 airfoil (M=0.85, Alpha=1.0).
Pressure Coefficient Contours for NACA0012 airfoil (M=0.85, Alpha=1.0).
Comparison of
calculated and experimental pressure distributions for the NACA0012 airfoil
(M=0.85, Alpha=1.0).
MACH Contours for 2-elements airfoil (M=0.75). |
Pressure Coefficient Contours for 2-elements airfoil (M=0.75) |
Pressure Distribution on 2-element airfoil (M=0.75). |