Kioumars Afshari

Working Experiences

Working at "Towse-e Paydar" Engineering Management Company:


Development of a Program for Analyzing Strutted Earth Retention Systems Using Macro programming in EXCEL (Coded from scratch) Download the Program + User Guide


Program Capabilities:


- The program is capable of calculating lateral earth pressure using 6 methods in text-books: Puller, FHWA, Terzaghi & Peck for soft & stiff clays, and Terzaghi & Peck for loose & dense sands,   considering the effect of layered soils, as well as the effect of groundwater hydrostatic pressure and the acceleration of earthquake.


- Drawing Active, Passive, and Total Earth Pressure Diagram on the Structure.


- Calculating Strut Forces Using 3 Methods: Half Method, Underneath Method, and Hinge Method.


- Drawing the Failure Wedge and Calculating the Length of Each Nail or Anchor According to the Bonding Resistance and Borehole Diameter Given by the User.


- Calculating and Drawing Diagrams of Shear Forces and Bending Moments in the wall.


I have developed this program in "Tosee Paydar" engineering management company under the supervision of Dr. M. Shakeri and Prof. S. M. Haeri. This program is used to compare the results of PLAXIS & SIGMA/W programs against the old methods in the textbooks.

Design Engineer:

As well as developing this program, I have worked at "Tosee Paydar" engineering management company from July 2009 to May 2010 and Nov 2011 to present designing and producing technical reports on C.B.P and nailing retaining structures for deep excavations in tooba project in northern Tehran as well as Field Supervision, and Study on Slope Stabilization Methods (Supervisors: Prof. S.M Haeri and Dr. M. Shakeri). A picture of C.B.P and nailing systems in Tooba project as well as two output diagrams of my program are available below.


Working as the Editor of the Book "Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook, Robert W. Day "  Translated to Persian by Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Ahmadi.













Sharif University of Technology