Neda Khosravi
My Complete CV- 1st Unit, No.21, Shodja-Abyaneh Alley, Meghdad St., Pirouzi St., Tehran, Iran.
- Neda.khosravy@gmail.com NKhosravi@alum.sharif.edu
- +98 (937) 256 64 12
- alum.sharif.edu/~nkhosravi/
Master of Sciences in Environmental Engineering Sharif University of Technology –Tehran, Iran
- GPA: 17.32/ 20
- Thesis: “Prediction of Air Pollutant Levels in Tehran Using NARX Neural Networks”, under supervision of Dr. Arhmai
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Tabriz University – Tabriz, Iran
- GPA: 16.56/ 20
- Ranked 3rd in civil engineering department among 45 students
Selected Advanced Courses
Numerical Methods in Hydrology Engineering,(18.1/20, 2rd Rank), Dr. Ataei
Process Principles in Environmental Engineering,(18.3/20, 2rd Rank), Dr. Arhami
Water Resource Quality Management,(16/20), Dr. Tajrishi
Environmental Engineering Laboratory, (17.5/20, 3rd Rank)
Air Pollution and Control Methods,(17.4/20),3rd, Dr. Arhami
Honors & Awards
Ranked 305th in the national graduate program entrance exam (locally said as Konkoor): 305/20000
Ranked 3rd in civil and environmental engineering department at Tabriz university: 4/43.
ranked amongst the top 1 percent of all the participants in the national university entrance exam
Ranked 1st Among 60 Pupils in Pre-University and High School Education.
Member of Association of young mathematicians.
Work Experiences
Lecturer at SADRA Institute of Higher education
- Teaching environmental engineering course (undergraduate)
- Teaching construction materials course (undergraduate)
Senior Expert at Sharif University of Technology
Supervisor: Dr. Arhami
Development of a web site to demonstrate forecasting of hourly air pollutants concentration for Tehran Air Quality Control stations
Surface Water Expert at Omran Mohit Zist consulting Company, Tehran, Iran
Implementation of the Surface Water Collection Master plan in Zones 6 and 20 of the City of Tehran
- Assist in creating detailed map of surface water collection network and its comprehensive data base using ArcGIS
- Delineation and modification of municipal watersheds and basins and calculation of basin’s data such as area, slope, mean elevation, and maximum flow distance in WMS software
- Performing rainfall-runoff modelling to control maximum hydraulic capacity of existing channels and conduits and redesign new ones based on current demand using Bentley Storm-CAD.
Academic Accomplishments
Research Assistant in Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- For my Master of Science thesis, we studied hourly time series of NO2, CO, O3, and PM10 at each Tehran AQCC (Air Quality Control Company) stations, which suffers from a sever air pollution issue. We developed a model to forecast hourly pollutant levels k hours ahead (1, 2, 3, ...,72) in AQCC stations using non-linear autoregressive model with exogenous input (NARX). Moreover, the second purpose of our study was to assess whether relevant meteorological parameters, such as, Monin-Obukhov length, mixing height and stability classes can improve multi-step-ahead prediction of model. We developed a preprocessor to calculate these parameters based on predictable meteorological data.
- For the projects of “numerical method in hydrology engineering” course under supervision of Dr. Aataei, I wrote some MATLAB and Mathematica codes to solve following problems numerically:
-One dimensional advection and the advection-diffusion equation employing FTCS scheme, CTCS scheme, and Crank-Nicolson method.
-Two dimensional diffusion equation using Crank-Nicolson and ADI method.
-Two dimensional laplace equation using finite element method.
Software Skills


Latex; Winedt

Bentley StormCAD; WMS, ArcGIS, ETABS; SAFE;

Prediction of Air Pollutant Levels in Tehran Using NARX Neural Networks, M. Arhami and N. Khosravi
References Available to Contact
(e-mail: arhami@sharif.edu; phone: +98-21-66164240)
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Tech.
(e-mail: nourani@tabrizu.ac.ir; phone: +98-41-33392409)
Professor, Civil Engineering, Tabriz University.