Mojtaba Sheida
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Birth Date: 22 June 1983 Address:
No. 9, Str. 49th, Sqr. 3rd, Dowlatabad, Tehran, Iran. Alt. Address:
7875 Ave. Saguenay, Brossard, Quebec, Canada. Email: Home Page: |
Mcgill University, Montreal, Canada, August 2010 |
Interests in:
Recent Activity:
- Simulation & Analysis of Reactive Flow in Porous Media, Using LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method) and GPU(Graphical Power Unit)
- Image Processing to Convert Geometry into a Binary Format in Mesh Generation
- Flow & Heat Transfer Simulation in Porous Media
- Impementation of LBGK & MRT Lattice Boltzmann on GPU
- Simultaneous Visualization of Soultion in Run Time
- Micro-nano Fluidic Systems
- Simulation of Turbulent Jet into Cross Flow
PhD student in Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Feb. 2011-up to now.
Total GPA: 18.45 out of 20Studied PhD in Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.
Sep. 2010-Jan. 2011.
Total GPA: AM.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Sep. 2007- Jan. 2010.
Total GPA: 17.77 out of 20.0B.Sc. in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Civil Aviation Technology College, Tehran, Iran.
Sep. 2002- Sep. 2007.
Total GPA 18.39 out of 20.0
Ranked 49th in the nationwide university M.Sc. entrance exam in Aerospace Engineering.
Ranked 2nd in Civil Aviation Technology College, in B.Sc.
1. K. Javadi, R. Zakeri, M.R. Salimi, and M. Sheida,"Re-Breathing System",Tehran, Iran, 2012..
1. M. Sheida, E. Soltani, and M. Taeibi-Rahni "Hydrodynamic Analysis of Supersonic Jet Penetration in Supersonic and Subsonic Free Streams", the 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering at Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME), ISME2010-1510, Tehran, Iran, May 11-13, 2010.
2. M. Taeibi-Rahnim, M. Sheida, and E. Soltani "A Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Momentum Ratio Changes on Penetration of a Sonic Jet into a Supersonic Cross Flow", the 9th Annual Iranian Aerospace Society (IAS) Conference, IAS2010-3417, Tehran, Iran, February 8-10, 2010.
3. M. Taeibi-Rahnim, M. Sheida, and E. Soltani "A Numerical Investigation of Penetration of a Sonic Jet into Subsonic and Supersonic Cross Flows", the 9th Annual Iranian Aerospace Society (IAS) Conference, IAS2010-3640, Tehran, Iran, February 8-10, 2010.
4. K. Javadi, M. R. Salimi, M. Sheida, R. Zakeri, and A.R. Alikhani "Impacts of Nozzle-clogging on the performance of Micro-Propulsion System", the 4th International Symposium on Physical Science in Space ISPS4, Bonn, Bad Godesberg, Germany, July 11-15, 2011
PhD. Dissertaion
subject: Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow through Porous Media, Using LBM and GPU
Discription: The main part of this research is to simulate and analyze reactive flow in porous media. The main phenomenon which is interesting in this kind of physics is surface reaction in porous particles exposed to a flow field. LBM would be considered to simulate the flow field through porous media coupled to surface reaction on the boundary surface. To decrease the computational time, parallel processing using GPU is used to reach the significant speed up. In this matter, an in-house code is developed. Also, to simulate the real geometry, image processing is added to convert the target geometry to a binary file in our simulator code. Simulation and analysis of chemical reaction in packed bed of porous media at the re-breathing system is one of the applications which would be considered. In this regard, the simulation of flow field and chemical reaction of converting CO2 into O2 through porous media is the main aim.
M.Sc. Thesis
Title: Simulation of a Sonic Jet into a Supersonic Cross Flow, Using Parallel Computing
Discription: As part of my M.Sc. thesis, I developed an in-house CFD code. On the first part of this project, I developed a general coordinate CFD code with parallel computing to simulate and to study jet into cross-flow interactions on a wide range of jet velocity (subsonic to supersonic) injection into supersonic cross-flow. I also developed another code to generate the required grid. As the second part of the project, I studied many effective physics of this flow structure (e.g., momentum ratio, jet penetration, etc.).
Computer Skills:
Programming:CFD Skills:Operating System:
- C, C++, and Visual C++; FORTRAN77, FORTRAN90, and Intel Visual FORTRAN; Visual Basic and Visual Basic.NET; Turbo Pascal.
- Parallel Computing:
- Dominant to OpenMP in Multi-core Processors (Shared Memory Structures),
- Dominant to MPI in Multi-node processors (Distributed Memory Structures),
- Dominant to CUDA in Many-core processors (Graphical Power Unit, GPU), and
- Dominant to Hybrid Structures (MPI, OpenMp, CUDA)
- Dominant to Object-Oriented Programming.
Manipulating Softwares:
- Familiar with MS Windows and Linux Operating Systems.
- Network Management on MS Windows Operating System.
- OpenFOAM; Fluent; CFX; Gambit; Tecplot; Paraview; CEC and CEA; CHEMKIN; AutoCad. MATLAB; Maple; MS Office, etc.
In-House LBM Code: In my PhD dessertaion, I am developing an in-house LBM code featuring:In-House Code: In my M.Sc. thesis, I developed an in-house CFD code by these features:
- LBM flow solver (MRT and BGK),
- temperature coupling,
- chemical reaction coupling,
- trubulent modeling with LES,
- parallel computing via GPU (Graphical Power Unit with CUDA), and
- image processing to import geometry to code directly,
OpenFOAM Softwares:
- Explicit, Finite Volume Method (FVM),
- Parallel computing in hybrid structure method (both Shared and Distributed Memory structure),
- General Coordinate system,
- 3D Non-uniform Structured and Multi-block Grid,
- AUSM+-UP as inviscid solver for a good performance in all-speed range,
- MUSCL algorithm to increase space marching accuracy (to second order),
- Runge-Kutta to increase time marching accuracy (to second order),
- Local time-stepping to decrease necessary time to obtain steady state results, and
- RANS turbulence models like Baldwin-Lomax, Baldwin-Lomax-Smagorinsky, Spalart-Allmaras.
Fluent & Gambit Softwares:
- Compressible & Incompressible Fow,
- Turbulence (RANS, LES, and DES),
- Multi-Phase Flow,
- Molecular Dynamic (MD) and Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- Moving Mesh,
- Adding, Modifying, Implementing New Application, Boundary Condition, and Turbulence Models.
- All items which are mentioned in OpenFOAM,
- Reactive Flow Simulation,
- Using and Creating UDF (User-Defined Function).
Language Skills
- Excellent at four main English skills (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing),
- Lived in Canada for about 6 months,
- French (Pre-Intermediate Level), and
- Native language: Persian.
Workshops & Licenses
- A&P: International license of Airplane and Power Plant (A&P) maintenance, summer 2005.
- JT9D Engine: Preliminary workshop on JT9D Engine systems (747 Passenger Airplane), University of Khaje Nasiredine Touse, summer 2010.
- Parallel Processing: Advanced Parallel Processing via Shared Memory (via OpenMP), Distributed Memory (via MPI) and GPU (Graphical Power Unit via CUDA) Systems at University of New Brunswick, Canada, fall 2010.
- Introduction to Risk-based Design and Design for Reliability: 2ndIranian Conference on Reliability Engineering, Tehran, Iran, fall 2010.
- Reliability Testing: 2ndIranian Conference on Reliability Engineering, Tehran, Iran, fall 2010.
- Basic machinery tools: using of machinery tools to make some simple objects, like hammer and a bolt and nut, at CATC***, spring 2007.
- Hydraulic and Pneumatic systems: Reservoirs, Accumulators, Pumps, Lines, Actuators, Valves (Selectors, regulators and etc…) at CATC***, spring 2004.
- Jet Engine: inspection, assembling, disassembling, and a little troubleshooting, on J-47 Engine (F86-Fighter) and J-85 Engine (F-5 Fighter) at CATC***, Summer 2004.
- Reciprocating Engine: inspection, assembling, disassembling, and a little troubleshooting, on Radial and Opposed types Reciprocating Engines at CATC***, summer 2004. .
- Precision instruments:: Pitot and static Tube (altitude, airspeed), bimetal thermal measurement devices, gyroscopic devices (attitude), etc …, at CATC***, fall 2005.
- Aircraft structure: Landing Gears, Aerodynamic Controllers, Propellers, Reduction Gear and etc… at CATC***, fall 2005.
- Aircraft Electrics: Soldering, Ignition System, and Electro Motors Trouble Shooting at CATC*** spring 2004.
- Parallel Processing: Advanced Parallel Processing via Shared Memory (via OpenMP), Distributed Memory (via MPI) and GPU (Graphical Power Unit via CUDA) Systems at University of New Brunswick, Canada, fall 2010.
- JT9D Engine: Preliminary workshop on JT9D Engine systems (747 Passenger Airplane), University of Khaje Nasiredine Touse, summer 2010.
- A&P: International license of Airplane and Power Plant (A&P) maintenance, summer 2005.
- M.Sc. Thesis “Computational Simulation of a Sonic Jet into a Supersonic Cross Flow, Using Parallel Computing” under Supervision of Prof. Taiebi-Rahni.
- Simulation of micro-channel flow, Using LAMMPS software.
- Implementation of Burnett Equation on Slip flow boundary condition for Kn<~0.1 on a flat plate
- Familiar with Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method.
- Familiar with Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) Method.
- Implementation of Tchebychev Spectral Method to solve Blasius Equation.
- Familiar with High order Euler-Maclaurin and Hermitian Compact schemes.
- Development of a pressure-base scheme CFD code (SIMPLE & SIMPLEC).
- Simulation of Slashing effects, for Petrofadak Co. Ltd by OpenFOAM.
- Simulation of water injection into reservoir tanks, for Petrofadak Co. Ltd. By OpenFOAM.
- Simulation of Non-premixed Combustion on three different combustion Chamber geometries by Fluent.
- Development of a CFD code to solve N-S by FEM (to simulate any desire geometry).
- Dominant to MPI, OpenMP, and CUDA (GPU) parallel programming. I have used these methods in my M.Sc. and PhD researches and some other CFD projects too.
- Familiar with Fuel-Cell types, structures and mechanisms of them
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant in PhD. Advanced Viscous Fluid Flow, Aerospace Engineering Department at Sharif University of Technology, fall 2012.
- Teaching Assistant in PhD. Viscous Fluid Flow, Aerospace Engineering Department at Sharif University of Technology, spring 2012.
- Teaching Assistant in PhD. Advanced Mathematic I, Aerospace Engineering Department at Sharif University of Technology, spring 2011.
- Teaching Assistant in M.Sc. and PhD. Seminar Course, Aerospace Engineering Department at Sharif University of Technology, spring 2009 and fall 2011.
- Teaching Assistant in M.Sc. Turbulent Flow Course, Aerospace Engineering Department at Sharif University of Technology, spring 2009
Research Assistance Experience
- Research Assistant in PhD., Mechanical Engineering Department at University of New Brunswick, fall 2010.