


Mohammad Iman Mokhlespour Esfahani

Master of Science

Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, USA

Mechanical Eng., Sharif University of Tech, IRAN


        Current Affilation                                            Teacher Assistant

      Surname:                                                        Mokhlespour Esfahani

      First Name:                                                         Mohammad Iman


          Email:                    mokhles@vt.edu   or mokhlespour@alum.sharif.edu


Short Bio:

I recently completed my second M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering, from Virginia Tech, USA.

My first  M.Sc. degree was in Mechanical Engineering (Biomechanical Division) at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran . As a biomechanical graduate student, I have worked on  human movement analysis, biomechanics, rehabilitation.

I received the B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering  and I was ranked first out of 76 students. My thesis was "Design, Analysis and Manufacturing a Double Wishbone Suspension System with Variable Camber Angle by Pneumatics Mechanism".