C.V. of Ehsan Norouzi

Name:              Ehsan Norouzi


Birth date:       15th May 1982

Citizenship:     Iranian


Email:              enorouzi@alum.sharif.edu


Educational Background

M.Sc. (September 2005-September2008),


Control Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

                University of Tehran (http://ut.ac.ir)


Thesis Title:

Learning Attention Control in Concept Learning in Complex Environments


                                Dr. Madjid Nili Ahmadabadi (mnili@ut.ac.ir)

                                Dr. Babak Nadjar Araabi (araabi@ut.ac.ir)


BSc. (September 1999-September 2004)


                Control Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering,

                Sharif University of Technology (http://sharif.edu)


Thesis Title:

                                Studying the Magnetic Signals in Non-Destructive Testing


                                Dr. Hossein Ravanbod (ravanbod@sharif.edu)


Research Interests


Machine Learning

Nondestructive Testing

Pattern Recognition

Face Recognition

System Identification

Cognitive Science

Magnetic Devices Simulation

Engineering Design and Optimization

Numerical Analysis

Neuro-Fuzzy modeling




H. Ravanbod, E. Norouzi, Developing a neural network model for magnetic yoke structure”, in the proceedings of CIMSA 2008, IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications, pp 75-78, 14-16 July, 2008.


H. Ravanbod, M. Hajihasani, Y. Farjami, E. Norouzi, Developing an Adaptive Fractional Model of a Magnetic Structure using Evolutionary Algorithm”, in the proceedings of ICCC 2008, IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, pp 189-192, 27-29 November, 2008.



E. Norouzi, M.N. Ahmadabadi, B.N. Araabi, “Attention Control with Reinforcement Learning for Face Recognition under Partial Occlusion”, Machine Vision and Applications, 2009 (revised and to be accepted)


H. Ravanbod , E. Norouzi, “A novel method for modeling the magnetizing Yoke”, Electromagnetics, 2009, (accepted)


E. Norouzi, H. Ravanbod, “Optimisation of the flux distribution in magnetic flux leakage testing”, Insight, Vol 51, No 10, pp 563-567, October 2009



Research Assistance Experiences

2006-2008            Artificial Intelligent and Robotics Lab,

                                Control and Intelligent Processing Center of Excellence,

                                Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,

                                University of Tehran,

                                Tehran, Iran.


2002- ~                  Advanced Instrumentation Lab,

                                Electronic Research Center,

                                Sharif University of Technology,

                                Tehran, Iran.


Teaching Assistance Experiences

2009-2010            Modern Systems Control

                                Control group of the electrical engineering department,

                                Malek Ashtar University,

                                Tehran, Iran.