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Aidin Delnavaz Postdoc Researcher Mechanical Engineering Department Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS) Universite du Quebec, Canada |
PhD, 2010
Mechanical Engineering Departmnet,
Sharif University of Technology, Iran
MSc, 2004
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Sharif University of Technology, Iran
BSc, 2002
Mechanical Engineering Department
Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Micro energy harvesters
The boost in the technology of in-ear devices (hearing aids and hearing protection devices) make them much smaller and more effective today. One of the most challenging issues in this regard is finding the suitable sources of power. Batteries as the traditional source of power have some disadvantages including large volume and limited lifetime. Moreover, they are very expensive and impose high operating costs to customers. Energy harvesting is a promising alternative method to replace batteries, decrease the operating costs and bring more convenience for users. In an energy harvester, the energy of ambient vibrations like the normal motion of the human body is scavenged, saved and used to power device. As a postdoc researcher, I am investigating energy harvesting mechanism to apply for the hearing devices based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems (MEMS).
Microcantilever-based sensors and actuators
Nowadays, you usually hear about nano-science and nano-technology everywhere as a new millennium technology, but have you ever thought that how scientists can see objects in nano-meter scales? You may guess that they use professional optical microscopes to see nano entities, but it is amazing to know that objects in nano-scale can never be seen by optical microscopes even the strongest and the most sophisticated ones, so what they can do? Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM) are one of the most promising solutions to this challenge. AFMs use the interaction force between the microcantilever-tip and sample to create a topographical or virtual images of objects in nano-scales. In addition to this sensing tasks, microcantilever tip can also be used as a robotic arm to move or manipulate nanoparticles and nanoentities. I have been working on microcantilever-based sensors and actuators for several years as a PhD thesis. I succeeded to present a reliable nonlinear distributed-parameters modeling of microcantilevers subject to the tip-sample interaction force. The theoretical analyses well agree with my experimental investigations and the results have been published in several accredited journals. This is an important step toward automatic nanomanipulation frameworks which is the most versatile tool for manipulation of bio-materials like DNA, Proteins and etc.
Generator air/water heat exchanger test unit
I collaborated in design, install and control of the heavy-duty air-water cooler test unit for generators in hydro-plants. It is a unique test plant which does not have any counterpart in size and capacity in Iran.
Jan. 2005 - Jan. 2008
Dynamics of Machines
Mechanical Vibrations
Mechanisms Synthesis
Strength of Materials
Heat Machines
University of Applied Science and Technology - Niroo Mohareke Branch, Iran
Sep. 2004 - Jan. 2005
Machine Elements and Tools
General Physics
General Mathematics
Diar Automobile Company, Iran
Jan. 2008 - Sep. 2009
Deputy managing director in technical and engineering department
Journal Papers
Aidin Delnavaz
, S. Nima Mahmoodi, Nader Jalili and Hassan Zohoor, “Linear and nonlinear approaches towards amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy,” Journal of Current Applied Physics, 10, 1416-1421 (2010).Aidin Delnavaz
, S. Nima Mahmoodi, Nader Jalili and Hassan Zohoor, “Linear and nonlinear vibration and frequency response analyses of microcantilevers subjected to tip-sample nonlinear interaction, ” International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 45, 176-185 (2010).Aidin Delnavaz, S. Nima Mahmoodi, Nader Jalili, M. Mehdi Ahadian and Hassan Zohoor, “Nonlinear vibrations of microcantilevers subjected to tip-sample interactions: theory and experiment,” Journal of Applied Physics 106, 113510 (2009).
Conference Papers
Aidin Delnavaz
, S. Nima Mahmoodi, Nader Jalili and Hassan Zohoor, “Frequency response behavior of microcantilevers in tapping mode Atomic Force Microscopy,” ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC2010, Montreal, Canada, 2010.Aidin Delnavaz, S. Nima Mahmoodi, Nader Jalili and Hassan Zohoor, “Frequency response behavior of microcantilevers in intermittent-contact atomic force microscopy,” 13th Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Dynamics, and Multibody Systems, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA, 2010.
Aidin Delnavaz, S. Nima Mahmoodi, Nader Jalili and Hassan Zohoor, “Analytical and experimental frequency response analysis of microcantilevers subject to tip-sample interaction,” ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC2009, San Diego, USA, 2009.
Aidin Delnavaz, Nader Jalili and Hassan Zohoor, “Vibration control of AFM tip for nanomanipulation using combined sliding mode techniques,” 7th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-Nano 2007), Hongkong, China, 2007.
Mehdi Jalili, Aidin Delnavaz and Mehdi Ahmadian, “Dynamic modeling of moving load on beam resting on a visco-elastic foundation, ” 9th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2005), Isfehan, Iran, 2005.
Mohammad Durali and Aidin Delnavaz, “BEM/FEM simulation of acoustiic field and shape optimization of submarine using neural network and genetic algorithm,” 2004 International Symposium on Underwater Technology (IEEE UT’04), Taiwan, 2004.
Aidin Delnavaz and Mohammad Durali, “BEM/FEM solution of vibration and acoustic equations and simulation of submarine acoustic fields using neural networks,” 8th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME2004), Tehran, Iran, 2004.
Aidin Delnavaz, Mohammad Durali and Mehdi Rastegar, “The Conversion possibility of prevailing diesel-generator submarine into one equipped with dual propulsion systems,” 2nd National Conference on Underwater Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2003.
Amir H. Javadi, Mohammad Chitsazan, Puyan Mojabi and Aidin Delnavaz, “Spherical robot: a novel strategy to an omnidirectional rolling robot,” 14th International Society for Terrain-vehicle Systems (ISTVS) Conference, Vicksburg, USA, 2002.
Laboratoire d'acoustique (Bureau: 2204)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS)
1100 Notre-Dame,
Montreal, Quebec, H3C 1K3, Canada
Tel: +1(514)396-8800 (ext. 7417)
Cell: +1(514)663-1359
Email: aidin.delnavaz@ens.etsmtl.ca