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                 The future is not set. There have always been countless opportunities for countless people in history to both prove themselves as superiors and to open a new window for the rest of mankind. There have been many times where man thought he had all the knowledge of the world in his hand, but nature always proved him wrong, for example by hurling an apple towards him. Man then went on to pursue the unexplainable phenomenon and tried to theorize everything connected to it, at some points revamping some part of the all-known science. Then, when he cried out in triumph, another mysterious branch is discovered and the story continues. There will always be new paths to discover, new secrets to unfold and new fields of science to rise.

                 Today, no one can claim to know all sections of a single field. However, s/he can always invent or discover something quite new when the necessity is felt for it. However, the attempt is not wholly relied upon accidents. They must have knowledge and experience enough in order to attempt to solve the new problem. Sometimes the matter is solved; sometimes not, but it may light the road enough for another to follow it and elucidate the entire subject.

                 In every age, a single part of science takes all over the world and tries to define it anew. Today at the early 21st century, intelligent electronics and learning machines are attempting to assimilate themselves to every aspect of human life. The more we seek from these issues, the more we can learn about the true potential of our minds as well as our world and the more breathtaking secrets we can unlock in order to build a better world for ourselves and our children.

Text Box: The world is tough, but not enough to overcome the will of man!

To contact us:

E-mail: Abdolrashidi(AT)nyu.edu

Sec. Email: Abdolrashidi(AT)alum.sharif.edu