Design, Optimization and Fabrication of an
Ultrasonic Surgical Knife
According the good performance of ultrasonic knife in cutting the soft and
hard tissues minimum blooding, and force requirement in this research
design, fabrication and electronic driver circuit prototype of an
“ultrasonic surgical knife” is studied. To attain the optimal mechanical and
electrical design such as long life and more efficiency modeling of the
piezoelectric transducer is studied by FEM in Ansys. The FEM model is
developed by assumption Axisymmetric with Plane13 element. For obtaining
resonant and anti resonant frequency of the transducer in Modal analysis
short and open circuit boundary condition are considered respectively then
Harmonic analysis method used for obtaining vibration amplitude of the knife
blade and structural stresses. First order optimization methods is employed
for reducing structural stresses and locate the nodal point of vibration on
the knife handle. According to the processes mentioned equivalent circuit of
the transducer and power assumption are calculated. Lapping, Wire cut (EDM),
photochemical machining and conventional methods of machining are employed
in mechanical prototype fabrication. The measured resonant and antiresonant
frequency of the ultrasonic knife by Network analyzer compared with the
calculated value of the model.
experimental results show effective performance of the prototyped ultrasonic
surgical knife in cutting tissues specially hard tissues such as bone

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Ultrasonic Surgical Knife practical test. |